Fundraising with Kathie’s Bakery

A community-favorite fundraiser for schools, teams, clubs, and groups!
Selling with Kathie’s Bakery can be an easy, fun, and rewarding way to raise money for your organization.
50% of profits will go to the organization of your choice.


Get all your questions answered

Send us some basic information about your organization and Kathie can walk you through the process step-by-step.


Contact Kathie &
Get Set Up

Let us know when you are ready, and we will set you up with the following: your organization’s own private login information, and access to selling tools. These include helpful tips and forms that will assist your organization to have a SAFE and profitable fundraiser.


your order

Simply gather your group’s order, confirm the totals, and submit. After payment is received your order will be processed and Kathie’s Bakery Scratch Mixes will be delivered in approximately 2 weeks.

How it works


Contact us to set up your fundraising account

Call us at 952-210-3587, or click here to submit your request online.


We’ll follow up to set a delivery date/time and location

Please note, we can deliver up to one hour outside of the city, including Rochester, Saint Cloud, Hutchinson, and Mankato, commercial and residential. (10 Case Minimum)


Take orders and collect funds

We can provide a Microsoft Excel order form if you want one. Just add your group’s name and selling prices! Have checks made out to your organization.


Send in your total order

We need the total order 2 weeks before your delivery date. Submit your order by calling or email Kathie at


Delivery takes place

For delivery contact, Barry at Ron Mar. Call 952-200-4123 or the office at 952-935-1700. He will take a check or Visa for payment and after payment, Barry will set up a delivery time roughly two weeks from your order being placed.


Use your sale profits to fund your group’s activities!


Contact us to set up your fundraising account

Call us at 952-210-3587, or click on Get Started to submit your request online.

We’ll follow up to set a delivery date/time and location

Please note, we can deliver up to one hour outside of the city, including Rochester, Saint Cloud, Hutchinson, and Mankato, commercial and residential. (10 Case Minimum)

Take orders and collect funds

We can provide a fillable order form if you want one. Just add your group’s name and selling prices! Make sure to have checks made out to your organization.

Send in your total order

We need the total order 2 weeks before your delivery date. Submit your order with an online code or email us your order at

Delivery takes place

Please count your order with the driver to ensure all of your product is delivered.

Knead to Sign up?

5 + 8 =

Bake up some FUNDS!

Knead to Know Information

The Order Form